User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Registration Box
The registration box is an optional component that can be used if you have a potential for new web users to sign up for an account.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: REGISTRATION BOX(id=1&always_show=1&title=Register)]
Menu Component
The links component, if included with your package, is pre placed into the top right menu once you are logged in. This list displayed are of links to pages that you have been granted access to.
- [NUMO.ACCESS CONTROL: LINKS(include_user_links=1)]
Restrict Your Pages
Setting up the Access Control system is a two step system.
First, decide how you want your pages protected: either on a one-to-one user-to-page relation, or on a many-to-many user-group to multipe pages.
If you plan on granting access to individual pages, to specific individual users (Bob Smith gets access to bob_smith_details.htm, and Mary Rogers gets access to mary_rogers.htm) then you could skip along to restricting pages.
However, if you plan on granting access to a group of pages to users of a particular user group (a_team_roster.htm, a_team_practice_schedule.htm for all users of the user type "Team A", View Tutorialand "b_team_roster.htm", "b_team_playoffschedule.htm" for all users of the user type "Team B"), then you'll first need to create those "User Groups"
Then, once you're ready to restrict pages, and you have your pages published up to your website, log in the administrative area and to restrict the access on those pages. View Tutorial
Example Uses
Allow clients to view information for their eyes only.
Grant access to members of a sports team to get practice and roster information.
Prevent non-authorized users from viewing sensitive information, such as preferred price lists.
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear. It is often used if you have guest bloggers, or if you require visitors to sign in to leave a comment on a blog posting
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Registration Box
The registration box is an optional component that can be used if you have a potential for new web users to sign up for an account.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: REGISTRATION BOX(id=1&always_show=1&title=Register)]
Menu Component
The links component, if included with your package, is pre-placed into the top menu once you are logged in. This list displayed are of links to your blogs.
Multiple Blogs, Dynamically, Integrated Seamlessly into your site
Now you can run a blog, from right in your website's pages.
Post your own blog articles from your administrative area, or allow guest bloggers to post via the website itself.
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
Display Component
The display component can be placed on any static page (example: myblog.htm). You can either link to your static page with the "display component" on it, or use the BLOG LINKS component to dynamically link to any blog.
Congratulations! It looks like you have included this enhancement into your package.User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Menu Component
The links component, if included with your package, is pre placed into the top "More" menu. The list displayed are of links to calendars that are visible.
Small Sidebar Calendar
[NUMO.CALENDAR: VIEW(id=1&size=small)]
Keep Your Visitors Up To Date
Post your appointments, avilability or events.
Unlimited number of calendars, with as many contributors per calendar as required.
Calendars can be visible, or private (for internal use only).
View calendars in small or large view, as well as an "agenda" listing of upcoming events.
Then, once you're ready to restrict pages, and you have your
Example Uses
Upcoming Concerts or Events
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
Example Large Calendar
[NUMO.CALENDAR: VIEW(id=1&size=large)]
User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Menu Component
The links component, if included with your package, is preplaced into the top right menu once you are logged in. This provides your user a link to their "manage site" management page, if they have access to contribute on any region.
[NUMO.CONTENT SECTIONS: LINKS(include_user_links=1)]
Example DISPLAY Components
Region #1
Region #2
Allow Access To Edit Specific Regions
Different Users Can Access Different Regions
You can have unlimited users with access to unlimited regions.
Next, those users can log in via the website (login box in the top right corner of the page), and then access those regions that they have access to by selecting the "Manage Site" menu option once they're logged in.
Example Uses
Allow clients to edit only specific regions, right through their web browser.
Enable students editors on a school website to update their own regions.
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear. This is not an integral component of the Form Wizard website application, however it is useful for Administrators to be able to log in.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Example Form
The display component can be placed on any static page (example: contactus.htm).
Build your Form with the Web Interface
Then receive the submissions via your admin area, and optionally via email.
Create as many forms as you like, up to 30 input items per form!
Includes the following form field types:
- Text Input
- Text Area
- Radio Button
- Checkbox
- Drop Down Select Box
- Multi-Select Box
- File Upload
- Email Address
- Date
Example Uses
Contact Form
Sales Inquiry Form
Feedback Form
Registration Form
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear. This is not an integral component of the Guestbook website application, however it is useful for Administrators to be able to log in.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Menu Component
The menu links component, if included with your package, is pre-placed into the top "More" menu. This list displayed are of links to guestbooks that you have set up.
Feedback From Visitors
Setting up the Guestbook has Never Been Easier.
Now, you can have multiple guestbooks in your site. A traditional guestbook for shout-outs from across the world, another for testimonials, and perhaps another for product reviews.
You can also set the system to require your review, before a submission is visible to the public.
Example Uses
Traditional Guestbook
Customer Testimonials
Product Reviews
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
Display Component
The display component can be placed on any static page (example: myguestbook.htm). You can either link to your static page with the "display component" on it, or use the LINKS component to dynamically link to any any live guestbook.
It looks like you maybe haven't yet included this enhancement into your package. To do this, click the "Change" Enhanced Functionality button in the demo header at the top of your page.User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Registration Box
The registration box is an optional component that can be used if you have a potential for new web users to sign up for an account. You can use this if you want people to register to become "contributors" to your listing service.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: REGISTRATION BOX(id=1&always_show=1&title=Register)]
Search Component
The search component, if included with your package, is pre placed into the top right menu once you are logged in. This list displayed are of links to pages that you have been granted access to.
List Your Homes, Vehicles, Trinkets or Widgets
Now you can list anything you want all in the same system.
The listing service is designed so that you can list items for sale, without the aspect of ecommerce involved -- more or less just like your typical classifieds -- much like a simplified version of Craigslist or Kijiji.
You can even have "contributors" (registered users other than yourself) post up their own listings.
Example Uses
Real Estate Listings
Car Dealership
eGood catalog, with offsite link to egood transaction handler such as Digital River.
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
View Listing Catalog
The view component can be placed on any static page (example: mylistings.htm). You can either link to your static page with the "view component" on it, or use the SEARCH component to search for listings.
[NUMO.LISTING SERVICE: DISPLAY(id=1)]User View Components
Subscribe Box
Allow visitors to subscribe to one or more subscription lists right from your home page. Visitors can also unsubscribe from this box.
[NUMO.NEWSLETTER: SUBSCRIBE BOX(title=Subscribe)]Menu Component
The links component, if included with your package, is pre placed into the menu under the "More" menu. This list displayed are of links to live newsletters that you've written..
[NUMO.NEWSLETTER: LINKS(include_within_submenu=1)]
Let Your Visitors Subscribe
Visitors can subscribe to multiple subscription lists.
You can use the newsletter system to collect email address for use within the Numo Newsletter Compose & Send system, or a third party system.
Compose & Send
The Numo Newsletter plugin is great for those sending out to 100-200 recipients at a time. Beyond that, most web hosts will either throttle your outgoing emails with some daily limit, or you will get tagged as sending out blanket emails that could be interpretted as spam.
If you are going to be sending out regular newsletters of 200+ subscribers at a time, it is best to sign up with a white-listed send-service to be sure your emails get to their intended recipients.
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
View Newsletter Component
The view component can be placed on any static page (example: newsletter.htm). You can either link to your static page with the "view component" on it, or use the LINKS component to dynamically link to any any live newsletter.
User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Registration Box
The registration box is an optional component that can be used if you have a potential for new web users to sign up for an account.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: REGISTRATION BOX(id=1&always_show=1&title=Register)]
Menu Component
The Categories Menu component, if included with your package, is pre-placed into the top "Store" menu. This list displayed are of links to categories of products in the system.
Sell Online with PayPal™ Web Payments Standard
Selling your products online couldn't be easier.
We've integrated the "world's most loved way to pay and get paid" into a dynamic catalog system.
Example Uses
Sell physical goods for sale.
Permit users to pay for account upgrades, tied in to the Access Control (for specific access, or account type upgrade), Newsletter (to pay for paid subscription of newsletter), or Listing Service (to be able to contribute).
Sell simple egood purchases -- essentially, a payment for such things as a team or league registration -- their email receipt is their 'ticket'
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
Catalog Component
The catalog component can be placed on any static page (example: catalog.htm). You can either link to your static page with the "catalog component" on it, or use the LINKS component to dynamically link to any category.
User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear. This is typically not required by the end user, however it is used often by the site administrator.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Example Poll
Create as many polls as you like!
Setting up a web poll has never been easier
Just create a question, and provide some possible answers, then place the component on your web page.
Example Uses
Movie Reviews
Customer Preference Questions
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)
Keep Tabs
The Whois Online Module is a simple user tracker
This module is often used for customer service. When someone calls and says, "I'm on your website", it can help to track down exactly what page they are viewing.
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)